السلام عليكم
I pray you're all well and in the best imaan. I thought I would make this short post giving a few tips and advice on how we can all achieve contentment in our daily lives.
Living in the society that we are now, it's often so hard for us to find that peace, happiness, contentment, stability. A lot of the time, we are unable to achieve this because we're turning to seek relief in the wrong places.
When a difficulty or calamity comes our way its often quite hard to see the good / embrace it with open arms, however, we need to understand islam and look into the lives of those who were previously tested and how they dealt with such.
Contentment is the idea that we need to be satisfied with where we are in life be it our job, money, home, lifestyle. Contentment comes with the understanding that whatever is in our naseeb (fate), is what we will get, and that our life will not come to an end until we don't receive everything that has been written for us. Contentment comes with the belief that whatever trial comes our way, it has been put there for us to get closer to our creator and deen. For Allah says in surah Al An'am, [6:42] "Indeed, We have sent messengers before you 'O Prophet' to other people who We put through suffering and adversity for their denial so perhaps they would be humbled". Here, Allah swt is telling the Prophet (saw) that He (Allah) had sent down suffering and adversity to the people before so that they would be humbled - ie they would turn to Allah, ask for forgiveness and mend their ways. Allah does not test us except that He wants us to become closer to Him.
Below are some of my tips on how we can achieve contentment in our life.
7 Tips on how to achieve contentment:
Seek help through patience and prayer - When going through a hard time, Allah consoles us in the Quran, [2:153] to say: "O you who believe, seek help through patience and prayer. Surely Allah is with the patient." Have sabr (patience) and turn to Allah. Here, Allah is reassuring us and almost confirming that if we turn to Him, and ask Him, then most certainly He will help us out of the situation. It may not be immediately, but He will surely help.
See your hardships as a blessing - Understand that whatever hardship you may be going through, ease will always be found with Allah. Whether you're struggling with your health, financially, finding a job, children, etc. Answers will always be in the deen. Allah never burden a soul beyond that it can bear [2:286], and verily any hardship a believer goes through is only put there for him to get closer to Allah. The Prophet (saw) told Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas, "Indeed afflictions remain with the servant until he walks upon the earth having no sin left on him". This includes something as small as a prick on your finger or stub of your toe. Don't curse your hardship, but rather say Alhumdullilah.
Reflect on the life of our pious predecessors - When we look into and reflect on the life of our Prophet (saw) who had to tie rocks to his blessed stomach due to starvation, his companions who left everything behind in Makkah to migrate to Madinah, the daughter of the Prophet (saw) Fatimah (RA) who had to take the role of her mother Khadijah (ra) at the age of 5/6 and comfort and care for the prophet (saw) by wiping camel intestines off his (saw)'s back. When we look into such peoples lives' we'll truly find contentment and peace with ours. We'll understand no amount of money, friends, fame, wealth can console us in the way Allah can. Despite everything, none of them renounced their faith, but rather their trials brought them closer to Allah, which is why so many of them were given the title of Ashara - Mubashara (glad tidings of Jannah). None of them lived in fancy homes with lavish food, expensive vehicles, branded shoes. Rather they went hungry for days on end and survived off dates and water. Yet they were so content. Even under such circumstances they feared the account they would have to give to Allah on the day of Judgement. These great people understood that this world is not Jannah - it's a trial and test, and if they pass this they will have eternal happiness. We can only achieve contentment and satisfaction with our life when we look at and understand the life these such people lived, despite being wali's (Friends) of Allah. We have way too much to ever be ungrateful and discontent.
Look at those below you in wealth and above you in Religion - Our hearts will over flow with contentment when we begin to change our perspective and role models. Our role models should not be celebrities or the wealthy people in our community. Rather we should look to those who are less well off than us, who have no food, no secure shelter, no parents, no working body parts, and truly reflect on our life and be grateful and do shukr (gratitude) to Allah for all that he has given us, even if it's something as small as shoelaces. When we begin to count our [endless] blessings, then only will our lives fill with contentment and ease. On the contrary, look at those above you in religion and be envious of them [in a good way]. Have a goal and aspiration to be like them and make lots of dua Allah gives you the same opportunity as them. Both ways you will be humbled and your heart will feel full.
Understanding Naseeb (fate) and Rizq (sustenance) - You will only be at ease and contentment when you understand what is written for you is what you'll get. Whether that's in health, wealth, children, family, job, whatever is for you will be yours even if it's through someone else. This is one thing I just can't un-see now. It's something that sticks with me and sometimes it's so amazing to think everything that comes into your possession, had your name on it from the very start, and was never going to be anyone elses. With this thought, be at ease. You can work over time and earn double your wage and think i'm getting this money because of all my work, but you never know, it may be that this money you're getting now by working overtime is the last of what you'll ever earn because later down the line something may overcome you and you may never be able to work again. So that money you earnt 'working hard' was all that was ever going to be in your possession whether it was spread out over 2 months or 15 years.
Deen over Dunya - Keep the world in your hands, not your heart. Understand that this life is ever so short and nothing will last. Nothing good nor nothing bad. No happiness nor hardship will last. Therefore keep the world in your hands not your heart. Yasmin Mogahed gives a really good analogy of this dunya. She says, imagine the dunya is the ocean and you are a boat on that ocean. Now if you allow water to come into your boat, then sooner or later the ocean will over take your little boat and you will drown. However if you don't let any water get inside your little boat, then you will sail smoothly to your destination. Likewise, if you allow the dunya to fill your heart, it will over take you and will lead to your destruction. However if you keep the dunya in your hands, Allah will give you both this dunya and the Aakirah (hereafter). The reason why this point is so crucial is because once your heart is comforted with the understanding that this dunya is not our final destination, you will feel content with everything you have.
Dua & Righteousness - Raise your hands to Allah and pour your heart out. Understand that with Allah lies all happiness. Speak to Allah and ask Him to fill your heart with contentment, peace, happiness. Ask Allah to keep this dunya out of your heart. Believe me, seeing both lives, the grass surely is greener on the other side. Whenever I'd listen to music, I 'thought' I was content - but deep down I was always on edge, always in a certain mood, however making that switch to listen to Quran and Nasheeds has given true contentment and calmness to the heart. Do righteous actions - for any sin given up for the sake of Allah will only bring you relief, closer to your creator and Allah will bless your life with complete barakah.
So those are my tips on how we can achieve contentment. I pray they were beneficial for all, even if it's just one that may help.
True contentment and peace of the heart is only and will only ever be with Allah swt. Allah is As-Samad (The satisfier of needs). Once we understand this, and understand that islam is a complete way of life, we'll constantly feel at ease with ourselves.
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lots of love xxx