السلام عليكم
I pray you're all well and in the best Imaan.
This is a short post on how we can maintain and uplift our spirituality.
So we all get these waves of high and low imaan, it's something that is inevitable. We're all on different levels of spirituality day to day, which means when we have our 'lows' and 'highs', for some, their low may be really low, whilst for others their low may be another persons high.
Therefore we all have to work on our imaan on a daily basis to make sure our imaan when it's at it's peak, is so strong that when we do have our low days, we don't start compromising on our fardh and compulsory acts.
Below are some of my tips on how we can all maintain our spirituality day to day:
Quality not Quantity - To be consistent in our good deeds and ibaa'dah [worship], for Allah prefers an action done consistently even though it may be small, than doing a lot then giving up. When we pray, it's about having that connection with Allah and with what we're praying. Our praying and good actions are supposed to change us, our behaviour, actions, speech. Our ibaa'dah is supposed to take us towards Allah and stop sin rather than take us away from Him. Therefore when an act which is done, which may even be small, however we can tell it's forming us into a better muslim, is better for us, than trying to do so much that we're simply trying to just tick off daily things to pray.
Understanding what we're praying - For us to be able to maintain our spirituality, it's so important for us to understand what we're praying, what it means, and what we're asking of Allah. When we understand what we're actually praying, it takes our ibaa'dah to a whole new level, we begin to truly enjoy our moments of praying and pour our heart out. Keeping the translations with you of what you're praying is key. If we get the opportunity to be students of deen and learn arabic then that's even better.
Kushoo and Kudhoo [calmness, tranquillity, humility] - This one is linked quite closely to the one just above, as once we begin to understand what we're praying, our ibaadah will bring us calmness, tranquillity, and humility. It will slowly work on our heart and the next time we sit down to pray and do good deeds, our heart will be in a state of humility where we'll be able to concentrate on what we're praying and lower ourselves in front of Allah.
Quran - Open the Quran every day without fail. Pray Yaseen every morning without fail, and Surah Mulk & Sajdah every evening. Listen to Quran during the day. This will overtime soften our hearts and allow us to maintain spirituality.
Constant Zikr [Remembrance] - Keep busy with Zikr - this will allow us to constantly remind ourselves of who our creator is, what our religion is, and what our purpose here is which will help refrain us from doing a bad action, and further keep refreshing our imaan.
Spare time activities - We need to have a look at how we're spending our free time. Are we sitting on social media wasting time, watching movies, always going out, visiting the wrong places, music. All of these, and many more are detrimental to our imaan and affect our spirituality on a daily basis. If such are our activities then we must look to slowly change our hobbies and activities, to fit around islam. The things we feed ourselves with day in day out eventually affect us spiritually, whether that is good or bad. The things we see, we watch, listen to, say, it all has an affect on our imaan.
Checklist and routine - Have a checklist if need be, so that we can remind ourselves daily of what we need to pray and we can set aside a time for Allah and His worship. To have a routine for praying is so important so we can revolve our life around islam, and not islam around our life. So that we can constantly have that connection with Allah. We have certain things to pray in the morning for a reason, and certain things in the evening for a reason.
I hope this small list was beneficial for us all to help maintain our spirituality -
Islam is a way of life and without it we'll always be on edge, always struggling, always unhappy, uneasy, never have answers/contentment. This life is ever so short, we're here one day and the next we're not - so work for the hereafter which is everlasting and complete happiness. Come to the deen, people will always have things to say when you want to do good but keep reminding yourself of who is above everything and for who exactly you're changing for. When Allah loves you, He commands the angels in the heavens to love you, and makes an announcement to the people on the earth to also love you. Like that you'll notice such people who you hardly even speak to, grow so close to you because of the love and connection you have with the deen.
We ask Allah to keep us all on the straight path and keep us firm upon it, Ameen
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Lots of love xx