السلام عليكم
I pray you're all well and in the best Imaan.
I thought I would make this short little post on how we can all make the most out of our duas with Ramadhan just round the corner. A lot of time, when it comes to making dua, people feel really overwhelmed, that they don't know where to begin or what to ask Allah for.
Insha'Allah what is to come below, can help me and you to make dua in a way that is pleasing and loved to Allah.
When it comes to making dua, it doesn't mean that everything we ask for when we raise our hands, is what we are going to get. Sometimes, we may want something, and we may keep asking Allah for it continuously, however Allah isn't giving it to us as He knows what is better for us. He knows if I give my slave what he/she is asking for, it will take him away from me. If I give my slave so and so, then they'll stop turning to me and asking me. There's wisdom behind everything Allah does, and we should never question any of it.
When a slave of Allah raises his hands to make dua, his duaa is dealt with in one of three ways:
Allah accept their dua
The dua saves them from a calamity
The dua is saved for the hereafter
Allah never ignores a dua - we may think our dua isn't being accepted, however what we don't understand is that our dua is being accepted in one of the three ways mentioned above. Whichever of our duas have been saved for the hereafter, and we see what that dua will save us from and grant us, we'll wish none of our duas we're ever accepted in the dunya, but rather saved for the hereafter. For our dua to even save us from a calamity is a big big blessing we take for granted.
Dua changes takdeer (fate), and Allah constantly reminds and tells us to turn to Him and ask Him. To make Allah your first point of call before anyone else. Ask Allah for your wants and desires, Allah can do anything. However not to get bogged down and start saying things such as 'Allah never accepts my dua' as this will take you away from making duaa, and something displeasing to Allah.
Some of my tips on how to make your special duas;
Find a secluded place - Don't make dua where there are so many people around you or you know people are going to be walking in and out of the room and you'll get distracted. Go to your bedroom, close the door, sit in sujood position, concentrate, and pour your heart out to Allah.
Set a time - Constantly raise your hands to Allah. Set yourself a time, once a week, twice a week, where you have a fixed time you sit in dua and talk to Allah. You ask Him of your wants and you have a heartfelt conversation with Him.
Be in Whudu - Sometimes it's hard and not very convenient to be in the state of whudu for making dua, however try. Try and always be in the state of whudu, and when you sit to make dua try to be in the state of purity [whudu], for the angels envelope you and because you're sitting and talking to Allah.
Try to cry - Only something so emotional and sentimental to you will make you cry. Why would our Prophet (saw) weep profusely every time making dua for us? It's because of his (saw) love for us. One of the things a plant needs to grow is water. If a plant is dying, dehydrated, it is water that will revive it. In the same way, its' our duaa and tears that will revive our hardened hearts. It's the genuine tears we shed out of fear and love for Allah. The Prophet (saw) has beautifully said, 'If through fear of Allah, tears- even to the extent of a fly's head fall from any believers eyes and drop on some part of his cheeck, he will be kept away from the fire of Jahannam; and by Allah and the one who weeps out of fear of Allah, will not enter hell until milk returns back in the udder; and the dust raised on account of fighting in the path of Allah and the smoke of hell will never combine together' [Tirmidhi]. It's further mentioned in Bhukari and Muslim, that there are 7 types of people whom Allah will shade on the day of Resurrection, wheren there is no shade but His: and a man remembered Allah while he is alone and his eyes overflowed with tears out of His fear. Even if tears gather in your eyes and don't fall, that is enough for Allah. Just think about the way a child cries when they want something - those tears that rush out their eyes. Be that same child in the eyes of Allah and plead and beg Him for the things you want.
How to begin your dua:
Glorify Allah - Call upon Allah through his Asma Ul Husna (99 names). Call upon Allah with the name relating to what you're going to ask for. Call upon Allah through Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem, Al- Ghafoor, if you're asking for His forgiveness. Call upon Allah by Ar-Razzaq and Al-Muqeet if you're asking for barakah in your provisions. Constantly throughout your dua, mention Allahs' glorious names.This is why it's so important for us to know His names and what they mean. Prophet (saw) said, "Allah has ninety- nine names, ie one hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to paradise" [Bhukari]
Durood- It is mustahab for one to begin their duaa with durood, as this will make a persons supplication more readily accepted. A hadith in Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi where the Messenger of Allah (saw) heard a man making dua in his prayer without glorifying Allah or sending blessings upon Nabi (saw). The messenger of Allah (saw) said 'This man is in a hurry'. He called him and said to him or to someone else, 'When anyone of you makes dua, let him start by glorifying his Lord and praising Him then let him send blessings upon the Prophet (saw) then let him pray for whatever he wants'. Some also say try to pray a durood between your dua, and one at the end also.
What to ask for in your dua:
For me, I always prefer to begin by asking for forgiveness and asking for my Aakirah (hereafter), to which I then move on to my current affairs, then mention my parents/friends/family then the wider ummah.
Have a set structure - Everyone is different when it comes to making dua and that's the beauty of it , every dua is personal. However have a set method of asking. Ask in a certain order so that you don't forget about something or someone.
Seek forgiveness - After your glorification of Allah and praise unto Prophet (saw), the first thing we should ask for is forgiveness. Beg and cry to Allah to forgive for your small sins, major sins, sins committed in the darkness of the night or the brightness of the day, sins committed in open or hiding. Those acts which you may not even realise are sins, ask for forgiveness. Remember it's the act of forgiveness that is most dear to Allah. The creation of Adam (as) is bound to sin, it's how we've been created, however ask for forgiveness. Make genuine intentions to change your ways, and watch how Allah blesses your life, for in the end, Allah is the turner of hearts and can turn your heart over night.
Make dua for those whom you know and those whom you don't know - When we make dua for someone else, the angels say Ameen to that dua and it's the same dua that is sent back to us and we also experience it's gems. Therefore a dua made for another person is never wasted. When we make dua for people, Allah will create for us or allow people to also make dua for us. The purest form of love for someone is making dua for them and remembering them in their absence.
Ask for your Aakirah - I find it best to start from the moment of death. To start asking for all things from the moment you pass away, then ask for your grave, then the day of judgement, then heaven and hell. This way you're asking for every stage of your journey. Ask to be saved from the fire of Jahanam, to be saved from the punishment of the grave, to be given death on imaan, to be taken over the siraat at the speed of lightening, to be granted Jannatul-Firdous without any hisaab kitaab (questioning), to be given your book of deeds in your right hand, for the intercession of the Prophet (saw), to be resurrected amongst the pious, to be given shade under the Arsh of Allah. Invision the day of judgement and see yourself pleading to Allah - this will help to cry.
Ask for your worldly needs - Again, start from your current moment and work your way out. Make dua to Allah for success and barakah in all that you do, to guide you to the right path and keep you on islam, for a righteous spouse and children, for barakah in health, to allow you to give charity, to open your heart, to protect you from any spiritual diseases of the heart, to gift you with the opportunity of doing hajj and umrah in your life.
Ask for the Ummah - Ask for Allah to have mercy on the entire Ummah of Prophet (saw) and to guide the entire ummah. To unite us all and keep everyone on the straight path
Speak to Allah - Talk to Allah about anything that could be bothering you, be it contentment of the heart, struggling to give up sin, you really want to accomplish something. Whatever it may be, talk to Allah and speak to Him.
How to end your dua:
End your dua glorifying Allah - Praise Allah and call upon him through his 99 names before you end
Durood - Send durood upon Nabi (saw)
Place your trust and full conviction in Allah that He will give you what's best for you
Come out of the dua feeling humble and spiritually lifted
I hope this was beneficial for us all and we can all take something from it. Dua is so important and every few days we should make it a habit and routine to turn to Allah and ask Him. It shouldn't be that we just turn to Him at a time of need or difficulty. Make Allah your friend and first point of call. Dua truly humbles us.
If need be, and some find it easier, is that they write their duaa's down, whether that's a typed up pdf or little dua book. For some, this helps them structure their dua and make sure they don't miss any bit out. See which way is best for you. Another thing i've learnt, is to constantly give people duaa. If someone does something for you, at that exact moment make a small duaa for them. If you see an old person walking past, make a small duaa that Allah relieves their difficulties and pains. Take any opportunity and make any excuse to make dua for someone.
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lots of love xxx
Alhumdulillah this was so beneficial especially in this blessed month of Ramadhan. May Allah reward you for all your efforts.. Ameen.