I pray you're in the best of health and Imaan. This upload is all about reflecting on 2020 and how we can use this new year to better our Imaan and spirituality levels.
As bad as 2020 was, Alhumdullilah for still being alive and being blessed with another day and year to live. I speak for myself first and foremost, but we should get into a habit of seeing the good in everything. In the moment, it's very hard, especially if it involves the loss of a loved one, or something major we wanted to be granted, but as we've all experienced coming out of that year, is that we plan, and Allah plans, but surely Allah is the best of planners. It's not always the end of the world if we don't get that job, that grade, that car, that bag; don't exhaust yourself, there's many bigger things to worry about and work on. Life goes on and chasing materialism and money isn't the biggest concern, as much as we've now made it to be.
We all have goals, ambitions, wishes, and we plan our life, but so does Allah. Allah has and had our life planned for us from the moment we were born. However, Allah doesn't say don't plan, don't wish. Rather, we're encouraged to make duaa as duaa changes taqdeer, however, Allah will only give us that which will be good for us and bring us closer to Him.
He is our creator, He knows us better than we know ourselves. We think we know what is good for us but of course He knows more as He's our creator. Sometimes Allah will give us what we want to see if we'll do shukr and turn to Him, and sometimes He wont, to also see what we'll be like. It's all a test from Allah, so have sabr and be patient, as what is for you, will reach you even if it's between two mountains.
Everyones rizq and naseeb has been written down before they were even sent into this world, and that is what we will each get to the penny before we leave this world, therefore don't stress, your time will come, and if not, Allah is saving it all for you for Jannah. Sometimes He holds back as He knows, that thing being granted to you, might take you away from His remembrance. That's how much our Lord loves us. But rather, we see is that He doesn't love us because He's not giving what we want. We've truly not understood Allah.
From here, looking back at 2020, it just shows how unprecedented and uncertain life is! We can plan, we can have the most amazing job, the best degree, the most money, but all of that can mean nothing in a split second when our health begins to deteriorate. As an Ummah and community, we've lost mass amount of people to covid which has really tested some families by the loss of parents, siblings, grandparents, which just shows us what truly matters in life. All of those individuals had plans in life. They wanted to grow up, wanted to see their kids grow, wanted to play with their grandkids, wanted to graduate, come out of hospital and see their family, but none of that was achieved as their time had come to an end and that was how their death was going to come to them. As a point of reflection, for myself first and foremost, there's nothing more important for us than to be on Imaan, being righteous, and being grateful for all our blessings. We are told to constantly remember the destroyer of pleasures; which is death. When death approaches us, there will be no today, no tomorrow, no Friday, to change our life. No more opportunities to work on our Deen and no more days to ask for forgiveness. Death has no age, when it's written is when we will go. That can be tomorrow, so we need to work on our Imaan now. We'll die on the Deen which we lived. None of us had anticipated such a trial and virus but it was sent from Allah and there's nothing we can do besides turn back to Him and repent. It's all a test and sign from Him.
2021 Goal 1: Have the correct goals and perspective in life.
What are we truly working towards? This Dunya or the Aakirah? 2020 is our lesson, this world is nothing. We're here one day, and the next we're not. As much as we've been told time and again, death can come at any time, last year was a visual representation of that. We're awake one day, and the next we're not. Some hadn't even had the chance to meet family and friends, to ask for forgiveness, etc, which is another lesson of constantly seeking forgiveness from people for any wrong we may have done, and constantly turning to Allah for forgiveness as we never know when our last moments are. I remember being at my cousins house just recently and their dad was in hospital (not covid related). Seen him couple weeks prior and he was perfectly fine, but the next minute he was in hospital. None of us could go meet him due to covid. Over face time, he told his children to ask the family for forgiveness for anything he had done, and couple days later he passed away. This is the reality of life, nothing is ever guaranteed, which is why we should always keep good relations and ask for forgiveness. At the end of the day, in times like this, it's only ever going to be your family who are there for you. Appreciate them, text them, call them, and tell them you're remembering them.
Life is so short, we all have plans, and that's fine, it's not that we're not allowed to have goals in life, but we need to have that balance, and often we get so sucked in, we lose track and lose that balance. Balance of deen and dunya, but more deen. We need to understand where to draw the line. Money comes and goes, don't chase it. What's written for you is all you will get before you pass away. Be satisfied and content with what you have, and Allah will give you more. I overheard a conversation the other day, and what was said just constantly sits with me. A young girl, who didn't even manage to finish her degree, got a job, and within just two months of working there, got promoted in the business. To this, she said, when you make Allah your best friend, He will bless you in ways you don't even know. This is clear and living proof that when we make Allah our main concern, He makes everything else fall into place. He is Ar-Razzaq, The provider, is He not going to give us if we turn to Him? There's a difference; Being so money driven, that we see all our fruits to be from our own efforts, which is wrong, or then to work a satisfactory amount, but then to leave the rest in Allah's hands. It all boils down to our attitude and satisfaction, and what we truly want.
2021 Goal 2: Do Shukr!
Coming out of 2020, personally, the biggest thing i now work on is my gratitude. The constant need and obligation to say Alhumdullilah for all my blessings be it big or small. Knowing so many people who have lost parents, to be able to simply wake up every day and have both parents around, who i can see, who can see me, and who are in good health is the biggest blessing in todays time. We take it for granted when it's something we see and have every day, but for those that don't, they would die to have both parents to wake up to. We should make it incumbent upon us to be grateful every day, when we wake up, and before we go to bed. This way we'll begin to truly appreciate even the littlest of things in our life, and Allah gives barakah to those who do shukr of their ni'mats. Even having a shoe lace is something we have to be grateful for and we'll be asked about on the day of Judgement. Imagine all the other bigger blessings we have such as 4 walls around us and a roof over head, or the cold and hot clean water, warm home, clean clothes, etc.
2021 Goal 3: Ibaadah.
Set yourself goals. We have new year resolutions, so we also need spiritual goals we want to work on. Even though this isn't the start of the islamic year, but make this year the moment you cut out music, wear a scarf, pray 5 salaah, fast all 30 days in Ramadhan, make up your qadhaa salaahs and fasts, recite the Quran daily.
The only thing that will come in our grave with us and suffice for us in the aakirah is our good deeds. It will serve as protection in the Qabr and entry into Jannah. When Jannah and Jahannam was created, and both of them we're seen, it was said, surely the people will go into Jannah as it's so beautiful, who wouldn't want eternal happiness, and surely they would stay away from the blazing fire. But once all the jewels, gems, trials, hardships, ibaadah, were put around both Jannah and Jahannam, it then became apparent and concerning to say, how will the people (ie, us) get entry into Jannah, and it's quite clear that jahannam will be the abode for many, due to the lusts and desires that surround it. However, we must work on our spirituality and make Jannah our goal.
Set monthly goals and have a little diary where you write all your weaknesses. Work on each one one at a time. It's not about throwing yourself in the deep end. Rather Allah loves an act that is carried out consistently even if it may be something small.
2021 Goal 4; Spare time.
To be able to find Allah again, it depends on what we're doing with our spare time. Are we listening to music and watching movies, constantly chatting to friends and having a laugh? Having a laugh isn't wrong, but it should not be constant as it's a distraction of death. We need to work on our spare time, set aside time to read Islamic books, set ourself a goal each week/fortnight to learn a new area of Islam, watch Islamic videos, podcasts, bayaans, etc. Keep a book and make notes.
Write about all the Prophets, Companions who were around the Prophet at the time, the Khalifas, the great women of Islam; wives and children of the Prophet (saw). Once we learn about these great people, we'll truly begin to appreciate our religion, and create a love for it.
Read up on the Tafsir of the Quran
Take on the task of learning Arabic and learning new Surahs and Duas.
Do taaleem as a family every night, as this way it will bring Islam into the home, will serve as a reminder and it includes some family time.
2021 Goal 5; Spend more time with family
Friends come and go, but family will always be there for you. Family have a different connection all together, make an effort to keep ties, keep relations, be nice, respectful, spend time together. Appreciate each other. Help around the house, relieving burdens for each other. Fulfil each others needs so Allah can fulfil our needs in this Dunya and Aakirah.
2021 Goal 6; Memorisation
Make this year the year we take it upon ourselves to learn, memorise as much as we can and include as many ayaats and dua's into our daily actions as is possible
Memorise Surahs, Duaa's, Hadiths.
To have a set timetable, regime to pray Yaseen every morning, to open the Quran once a day, pray Ayaatul Qursi after every fardh salaah, to pray Surah Mulk, Waaqiah, Sajda every evening, Surah Kahf every friday, Surah Dhukaan every thursday evening, zikr every day...and the list goes on.
We need to start getting closer to Allah now, more than ever.
I hope this was beneficial for you and for me.
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Masha'Allaah very helpful indeed and to be considered very seriously for the betterment of life in this world and the hereafter. However, as a suggestion our goals, review of the year and the future should preferably be set just before Ramadaan every year to take advantage of the blessed month's barakah and mercy to assist in our intentions. This new year is not an Islamic concept, has no relevance to our beautiful Deen, this is a non Muslim celebration. Please this is not a criticism but my humble attempt to clarify my understanding. Once again, masha'Allaah well written and explained.
JazaakAllaah khair