Following on with the Women in Islam series, and my previous post being about Musa (as) mother', I thought it would only be fitting to speak of Asiyah (AS) next as she also took care of Musa (as) in his childhood.
وَضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا لِلَّذينَ آمَنُوا امرَأَتَ فِرعَونَ (66:11)
"Allah draws an [other] example for those who have faith"
Allah gives an example to those who believe, of Fir'awns wife, and the reason is because despite being married to the worst human to walk the earth, she was a woman of exemplary character and conduct, as the Prophet (saw) described her. It is a lesson for us all, that despite our family, and relationship with those around us, if they possess such character contrary to Allah's teachings, we should never imitate, adopt or agree on such behaviour. None of us will be able to benefit one another on the day of judgement.
Facts/Background History:
- Allah does not explicitly make mention of her name in the Quran. Instead she is known as the 'Wife of Fir'own'.
- Asiyah (AS) was Fir'owns (Pharaoh) wife, and one of the four women who were promised Jannah.
- She was a very generous and very beautiful woman.
- Asiyah (as) wanted to keep the child as she couldn't have children herself, which of course was wisdom in itself.
وَقَالَتِ امۡرَاَتُ فِرۡعَوۡنَ قُرَّتُ عَيۡنٍ لِّىۡ وَلَكَ ؕ لَا تَقۡتُلُوۡهُ عَسٰٓى اَنۡ يَّـنۡفَعَنَاۤ اَوۡ نَـتَّخِذَهٗ وَلَدًا وَّهُمۡ لَايَشۡعُرُوۡنَ (28:9)
And the wife of Fir'awn said, "He is comfort to the eye for me and for you. Do not kill him, (for) he may profit us, and we may take him to ourselves as a child." And they were not aware.
The life of Asiyah (as)
The moment Asiyah (as) laid eyes on Musa (as), such immense love entered her heart, and ran through her. Musa (as) was a beautiful young boy who everyone loved. Seeing him, she could not let him go just like that. Asiyah (as) took him into her palace and took him in as her own son. She nursed him, cared for him, and strived to give Musa (as) the best upbringing and childhood just like any mother would for her child.
As time went on and she tried to get women to nurse Musa (as) and he doesn't feed, she agrees for his mother to be called (although she doesn't know she is his mother). On seeing Musa (as) feed, she agrees for him and his mother to come in and stay in her palace, through her openheartedness and infinite generosity. Something Fir'awn would never do. However, through wisdom, Musa (as) mother refuses her offer, and she lets them both go. Asiyah (as) must have found it rather hard for her to let go of Musa (As) as she grew a very strong bond with him and took him in as her own son. However she stood firm and strong, and let him go.
Incident of the Hairdresser
One day, a daughter of the pharaoh (from someone other than Asiyah) heard her hairdresser say, “Bismillah” meaning “in the Name of God", when she dropped the comb. The little girl reported the incident back to her father, as he would find this a reason for execution.
He sentenced the hairdresser and her children to a public death in a pit of burning copper. One by one, the pharaoh had the children thrown to their demise until it was just the hairdresser and her newborn in her hands. At this point, the hairdresser felt some hesitation, letting go of her newborn. However, Allah through His infinite mercy, caused the newborn to speak miraculously. The baby encouraged her that the punishment they faced in this world is nothing compared to the one in the next if they sacrificed their faith.
Upon witnessing this courage from the hairdresser, Asiyah too found the ability to stand up to her husband and reveal her true beliefs. She told him she believed in the true God, disbelieved in the pharaoh, and did not care about what he would do to her while knowing he felt no remorse at burning children alive and having women raped.
After learning of his wife’s true beliefs, he took her to the desert, starved her, and stripped her. His daughters and concubines laughed in her face. Pharaoh tried so hard to degrade Asiyah (as), but what he did not realise was that her faith was impeccable. She was striving only for Allah and His pleasure, and there is nothing that can cause humiliation for a person with that kind of character. While enduring her husband’s punishments, and before a heavy boulder being dropped on her, about to crush her to pieces, Asiyah made the following supplication:
رَبِّ ابنِ لي عِندَكَ بَيتًا فِي الجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّني مِن فِرعَونَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّني مِنَ القَومِ الظّالِمينَ (66:11)
"My Lord! Build for me a home near You in Jannah, and deliver me from Pharaoh and his conduct, and deliver me from the wrongdoing people"
Fir'awn happened to walk by when she said this, and she smiled because she saw her home in Paradise, and Fir'awn said to those watching:
"Aren't you amazed by her insanity? She smiles while we are torturing her?!"So, Allah took her soul away to Paradise.
Such a beautiful dua. A woman who once owned and lived in a palace in the world, made such a supplication. She was a woman of humility, justice, humbleness, and honour. Despite living with Fir'awn, she did not become materialistic like him. She recognised Allah when Musa (as) began his journey of Da'wah, and she embraced Islam wholeheartedly. Such a sincere dua Allah could never forego. Asiyah (as) made dua to Allah that she wishes for HIS company in Jannah, above any other. She wanted to spend her time in Jannah with Allah because she recognised Allah and that was the only place she found comfort and peace.
From her story we learn
A) To stand against Injustice - No matter what background we come from, religion, race, if one is being harmed, tortured, and injustice is happening in front of us, we should always try to intervene/improve the situation. No matter what the relationship is to that person carrying out the injustice.
B) Even though she sacrificed the laws of the land, by not believing in her husband, Fir'awn, she did not sacrifice the laws of Allah. She stood firm and did not let anything get in the way, and we see the way Allah helped her in such a situation.
C) She lived a life of unparalleled wealth and luxury, yet she did not let it get to her. She was humble. She lived in a palace, she had maids, she came from a wealthy family. Yet she was completely opposite to Fir'awn. She had a palace, yet she wanted a palace in Jannah. She was a woman who understood the value of this world.
D) She had an intimate conversation with Allah. She spoke to Allah and called out to Him in times of need and distress. She had the love of Allah sprouting in her heart, and Allah loved that from her. She had such qualities despite the circumstances and environment she was living in.
E) No matter the wrong actions of family members, siblings, parents, we should never adopt such doings. We will all be accountable for ourselves on the day of judgement. Our ultimate goal is Allah and He should be the only one we worship and dedicate our attention to.
F) To have a tender, loving relationship with little children, no matter who's child. Treat every child like your own. We are all an amaa'nat (trust) to Allah, and we all have rights over each other. Love children, look after them, provide them with what they need, for it might be that same child who will grow up to be a wali (Friend) of Allah.
I pray we can all adopt such beautiful qualities like that of Asiyah bint Muzahim (AS).