I pray you're well and in the best of Imaan. It's been a very long time since i made one of these, however I thought now would be a good time to do so, as I need to hear this just as much.
My aim from this blog is to re-track and re-align our thoughts and plans as to who we are, why we are alive, what our goal in the end is, and what our aim of life is.
Let me ask you; Would you rather;
A) Buy an expensive purse and have no money to put in it OR buy an average purse and have money to put inside.
Of course anyone with any sort of common sense would pick the latter, because it just doesn't make sense to the human mind to have or purchase something which will then put one in a worse situation than they were before that transaction. I believe at this point some may say that well, money buys happiness, however that will never be true; and celebrities are your answer.
The above would you rather is used as an anecdote to understanding the significance of this life and the next.
Buying an expensive purse and having no money to put inside would be utterly and entirely foolish to do. It wouldn't make sense to use all the money you have, to buy that purse, and then walk around with is empty. However, buying an average purse, nothing too expensive, and nothing too cheap, would be sufficient, as we would also have money to put inside the wallet as we didn't blow it all on actually purchasing it.
In the same manner so is the understanding of this world and Jannah.
بَلْ تُؤْثِرُونَ ٱلْحَيَوٰةَ ٱلدُّنْيَا وَٱلْءَاخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰٓ
'But you prefer the worldly life whilst the hereafter is better and more enduring' (Surah A'ala)
How absurd would it be to absolutely blow all of our chances of attaining paradise, over this trivial world, what we deem as 'paradise', in comparison to actual and real eternal guaranteed paradise. Notice how the former is us, 'seeing' this world as paradise, when it isn't actually. Whilst the latter is in fact guaranteed paradise.
How foolish would it be for us to destroy our hereafter and eternal heaven, for 60-70 years of life on this earth, which is nothing but trial and difficulty; just as how it would be foolish for one to purchase a wallet they can't even afford.
It is in this manner that we need to see and understand this world and our existence in it.
Now let me ask you, what is our eventual goal after death?
Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:
وَمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَآ إِلَّا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَلَلدَّارُ ٱلْءَاخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لِّلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ
'And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement, but the home of the hereafter is is best for those who fear Allah , so will you not reason?' (Al-An'am)
I mean, each and every one of us would say its Jannah right. Who wouldn't want paradise; that everlasting happiness, peace, comfort, ease. You know, the most beautiful, and almost unimaginative thought, is the fact that we're only able to describe the hereafter/heaven with qualities that we know and use in accordance to our life on earth and our understanding on certain things, in relation to whats around us. However, Jannah is nothing like we think it to be.
Happiness? Comfort? Beauty? We're simply trying to comprehend such qualities based on what we know about beauty comfort and happiness. However, the happiness beauty and comfort of paradise is in no way similar to this world. Just think, the most beautiful scenic holiday destinations in this world, which we call paradise, yet ISNT paradise. If that's the case, then really and truly we have no idea what THAT paradise must be like.
Now let me ask you, does it make sense to sacrifice THAT paradise, for 60-70 years of this life? Not to mention, that is everlasting. Just as how using all your money to buy that wallet was foolish, so would sacrificing eternal pleasure for this broken world.
You go on holiday to Maldives, 'paradise', eventually, you have to get back to reality and come home, but Jannah? Jannah is where you'll never have to come back to reality.
You know, just as how we all have goals in this life; Good education, graduate, get a good job that's well paid, get married, and we sort of have our life planned out to the extent at what age we want everything accomplished. Almost like a bucket-list. We strive, and work so hard to meet those goals.
It's in the same manner that we need to have goals for Jannah. Just as how the goal of going to the gym or going on a diet is to get into good shape so you can feel good and look good, in the same way, our goal is Jannah and we need to set checklists in order to get that goal.
Just as how we get happy after seeing the fruits of what we call 'our efforts' after accomplishing a goal, in the same way our faces will be radiant upon radiant when entering Jannah insha'Allah.
At the end of the day, Allah has told us in the Quran that the only purpose of our creation and the creation of the angels is for His worship. If that's the case, then why are we doing everything against what we've been told to do. It's like going into work, or completing your homework. You've been set a task to complete A,B and C, but you decide you know what. Even though i have a boss/teacher, I don't want to listen to them, and i'd rather do D,E and F. Now of course when it's found out that you've done everything besides what you've been ordered, you will get some sort of punishment/into trouble.
In the same way, Allah is telling us pray, pray your 5 times, cover your hair, give zakaat, fast, don't listen to music, don't watch movies, earn halal rizq, eat halal food. When you do X,Y and Z, i will make your life as smooth as can ever be for you. But we've not understood islam enough, because what we're saying, is that no Allah, i'd rather do C,D and E, and make life ridiculously hard for myself then complain to Allah why nothings going right for me and why i'm never happy. However, here's the plot twist. Just as how you would get punished by your boss/teacher; loss of job, loss of pay, detention, etc, Allah repeatedly gives us another chance. He tells us, my beloved servant, turn back to me, repent, change your life, it's not too late. My doors of mercy and repent are continuously open. No one is ever too sinful for the massive ocean of Allahs mercy. To think, Allah was even going to forgive Fir'awn, the biggest tyrant, had Jibraeel (as) not shoved sand in his mouth. Why did the angel do that? Because he knew, that if Fir'awn had asked Allah for forgivess, then despite all that he had done in his life against Allah and Islam, through Allahs infinite infinite mercy, He would've forgiven him. THAT is our creator, that is how merciful and forgiving he is. Mine and your sins are nothing compared to Fir'awn. Change your ways before it's too late.
These days, nothing is ever guaranteed. Happiness, money, safety, life. Nothing. So why not spend your life in the path of Allah rather than the path of this world, because at the end of it, we're all going to have to leave it one day. 3 things come with us to our grave; 2 return and one remains. Our family and wealth return, whilst it's only our deeds that remain.
Age is just a number. We all have our set time in this world. The exact day, year, minute and hour has been written for our death. We will not leave this world a minute earlier, nor a minute later. Hence we need to try our absolute best to use every last minute in the obedience of Allah.
We all make dua for Jannah, myself included, we all make dua for death on the straight path, with the kalimah on our tongue, with ease in the grave, but honestly our actions speak otherwise. We think dying on the kalimah is easy but let me tell you, at the time of death and in the grave, it's the heart and soul that will speak, not the tongue. It's easy for us to say the kalimah now when we're all alive and healthy because we're thinking straight. Come our death bed, we don't even know what's going to be going on, we don't know in what environment we'll pass away. Our heart and soul will only say that which it is used to. The tongue uttering zikr, whilst the heart being dhaakir (aware of Allah) are two different components. To think death can come at any time, if day and night we're listening to music, singing lyrics, watching movies, in haraam environments, not praying, then it is above likely that we will also die in the same state. They say, you will die the way you lived. Of course, through Allah's infinite mercy and duaa's, He can do anything, and we ask Him to give us all the most blessed death, but in reality, and to think logically, it only makes sense that we'd die on the imaan that we lived with, because none of us truly know when we'll pass away. Personally, this was one of the biggest things that hit home for me, and which helped to find myself and my real goal.
This is the reason why its essential we must always strive to do good, be in good company, have good, righteous friends, speak good, dress properly, etc. Just as how at the time of purchasing that expensive purse, we can get deluded about its price, through its beauty and design, as well as going shopping with those friends who value the same thing and aren't able to advise us not to get that wallet, then it's only after we buy that purse, that we realise we blew all our money and that wasn't a smart decision. Thereafter we'll turn to our friends and ask them why they didn't stop us. But of course they will be unable to because they were chasing the same thing we were. In a like manner, we must invest in our friends wisely, and make educated and islamic decisions and transactions in this world, in order for our abode to be Jannah. We don't want it that we realise too late (after we've passed away), that we didn't use our life wisely, just as how the above only realised after purchasing the expensive purse, that it wasn't a smart idea. Despite making wrong decisions in this life, Allah still gives us an opportunity each day to repent and turn back to Him. Who knows when our last day and moment will be.
We often find ourselves getting so involved in this world and what it has to offer, that we forget and get deluded by the real reason as to why we're here. As Muslims, the one and only reason why we've been created and put here on this earth is to submit to Allah. From young, we've been instilled with this mentality and life plan of going to nursery, primary, secondary, college, university, job, marriage, kids. Through all of this, all we're being socialised with is to work hard through our young years to be able to get a successful job which pays a lot of money. It's often found that through all of that Islam is probably only mentioned for a 1/5 of it. Without having Islam at the forefront of anything we do, we'll never see success. We can work our absolute selves off, but what isn't written for us wont reach us, no matter how hard we work for it. Stop trying to break every last breathe and sweat trying to live a certain life, because if Allah, who knows us better than we know ourselves, doesn't want us to have it, then we wont get it;
ما كان مقدرا لك سيأتيك ولو كان بين جبلين وما لم يكن مقدرا لك لن يأتيك ولو كان بين شفتيك
'What is meant for you will reach you even if its beneath two mountains, and what isn't meant for you won't reach you even if it's between your two lips'. By Allah this is so powerful.
This world is nothing but delusion - Just as how that expensive wallet is so beautiful on the outside, by purchasing it, we are being deluded of it's price by it's design. In the same manner, this world is complete delusion. It seems to be a beautiful young woman on the outside, but when you come to truly know what it's like, it's described to be like that of a wrinkly, withered, old woman.
Honestly, if this world had any sort of value, then Allah wouldn't have given a disbeliever even a single drop of water to drink. However, He's given the disbeliever paradise in this world, showing us, this world truly has no status.
Reflect each night and ask yourself; have i earned myself jannah today, or have i caused my own destruction. Through this, insha'Allah we'll begin to slowly become stronger in faith.
The most important thing to do is to turn to Allah (SWT) in duaa. Repent, pour out the condition of your heart. Show that you want to change, then let Him work His magic.
I hope this was beneficial for you and for me. Don't forget to leave a like, and comment down below, and check out my other posts if you haven't already.
Follow my insta at @_nusyb for more uploads xxx